Teaching Assistant Evaluation

My teaching assistant evaluation is in for the course I TA'd this past summer - CMNS 388-4 "Environment, media and communication," and in spite of the fact that it was an early Monday morning course (students and TAs are half-asleep) I'm pretty happy with the results: 71% of the students rated by teaching ability as "A" with another 25% rating it at a "B" level.

Even more gratifying was some of the anonymous student feedback. I really appreciate it when students take the time to offer constructive criticism, and even more when they take the time to tell me I'm doing a good job. It's great to know I'm having an impact:

"Fascinating, fun, lots of relative stories. Best TA I've had so far (3rd year student). Don't doubt your teaching style because tutorials normally make me want to die a painful death but you were awesome!"

"I like the topic of your presentation in last lecture. Andrew, you are awesome!!"

"Really awesome, planning on making him my communications mentor, which will complement my bio major nicely. Thanks Andrew."

"Excellent tutorial, one of my favourites! Keep up the good work (in tutorial and at work)."

"Excellent TA. Covered material effectively and encouraged discussion."

And the number one thing students said I need to do better: time management. It's true. I often get caught up in the material and the discussion and find myself running out of time in tutorials. It's a common refrain I've heard before and one I plan to redouble efforts on improving.

Thank you students of CMNS 388-4, we had a good time! Best of luck in your academic and professional careers.