New Livelihood

For a year or two now (and especially as my thesis nears completion), I've been telling friends and family that I'm trying to carve out a new livelihood for myself, one that strives for a better balance between work online (read computer), and offline, hands-on stuff (in my case, woodworking and urban agriculture). Today, I'm excited to say that I'm one step closer to achieving that balance. Starting this month, I'm (re)joining the ForestEthics team as their new part-time Senior Communications and Media Manager, focusing on the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and Sacred Headwaters campaigns. It means that my online time will be spent with a creative and successful ENGO with clear, local campaign goals for making the world a better place, and it also means I'll have more time to work with my hands, learning more about woodworking and urban agriculture (I love getting my hands dirty!).

Both realms of work will be enhanced by one another, a cross pollination of ideas, insights and physical movement that will make for a healthier livelihood while also boosting my productivity in each sphere. Less time on computer = healthier body = healthier brain = greater creativity & results.

Part of my new livelihood still includes my communications consulting and press release service. I'm still open for business. If you or your organization need to make an important contribution to the public sphere or set the agenda about a particular issue, campaign, or policy, I'd be more than happy to help.

I'll provide more updates on "the new livelihood" as it takes shape. Stay tuned.