Regional District Opposes Enbridge Gateway Pipeline; Passes Resolution Calling for Legislated Ban on Oil Tanker Traffic in BC's Northern Coastal Waters

PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 18, 2012) - The Skeena Queen Charlotte Regional District, which provides local government services to four electoral areas and five municipalities with 20,000 residents living on the North Coast of British Columbia and Haida Gwaii, has passed a resolution opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project. The resolution is the second local government resolution in less than a week opposing the Enbridge pipeline. The City of Terrace passed a resolution on February 13, 2012.

"This is another powerful statement that elected local governments in Northern British Columbia are opposed to the Enbridge Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project," said Jennifer Rice, a City of Prince Rupert Councillor who proposed the resolution. "Any effort to ram this project through will be a direct attack on our First Nations, the fishing industry and other coastal economies. We encourage development, but the risks are too great with this particular proposal."

The Skeena Queen Charlotte Regional District resolution reads as follows:

WHEREAS the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project will result in increased crude oil tanker traffic and risk of accidental oil spills in northern coastal waters in British Columbia;

AND WHEREAS a crude oil spill will have devastating and long lasting effects on the Pacific North Coast area that is recognized for its unique and diverse ocean ecosystems, which provide critical marine habitat and marine resources that sustain the social, cultural, environmental and economic health of coastal communities, including First Nations communities:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SQCRD be opposed to any expansion of bulk crude oil tanker traffic as well as bitumen export in Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound in British Columbia;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SQCRD petition the federal government to establish a legislated ban on bulk crude oil tanker traffic and bitumen export through Dixon Entrance, Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound in British Columbia.

Opposition to the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project has been growing in recent weeks as a National Energy Board review panel visits communities in Northern British Columbia. More than 2000 residents took part in a rally against the project, hosted by the Gitga'at Nation in Prince Rupert on February 4, 2012.

Contact Information: Andrew Frank Office: 604-215-7875 Cell: 604-367-2112

Tension Mounts at Review Hearings as Enbridge Lawyers Try to Limit Testimony of Elected Representatives

PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – Feb. 17, 2012) - The Metlakatla First Nation has registered its objections over Enbridge’s attempts to limit the testimony of MP Nathan Cullen and MLA Gary Coons, as well as the National Energy Board’s own attempt to bar a First Nations drummer in regalia from attending the hearing proceedings. Frustrations boiled over this morning after National Energy Board security staff and the RCMP temporarily threatened to bar a First Nations woman who had expressed frustration at Enbridge’s lawyers’ attempt to limit the testimony of MP Nathan Cullen. The incident occurred during Mr. Cullen’s testimony.

Clarence Nelson, a Metlakatla hereditary chief called the woman’s ejection from the hearings a deeply disrespectful act, especially since she was wearing traditional regalia at the time: “When we’re with regalia, it represents who we are,” said Nelson. “‘Respect’ is a powerful word in our language.”

Lara Peterson, the Metlakatla drummer, who was dressed in traditional regalia and part of the audience at the time, objected to continued interjections by Enbridge’s lawyers seeking to limit the testimony of MP Nathan Cullen. When Enbridge lawyers said Mr. Cullen should not be speaking on behalf of First Nations, Mr. Peterson shouted, “He’s one of us. He can speak,” at which point she left the room out of frustration.

When she tried to re-enter the room, National Energy Board security told Ms. Peterson she was not allowed back in, and directed the RCMP to bar her. Ms. Peterson explained she had a right to go in. She was warned by the RCMP that she would be arrested and charged with trespassing if she attempted to re-enter the proceedings. Motioning for handcuffs, she put out her hands and said, “go ahead.” North Coast MLA, Gary Coons, and two other gentlemen stood up for the woman and convinced the police officer to let her back in.

“They can arrest me if they want. I’m not going to shut up,” said Ms. Peterson. “I have a 10 year old and a 14 month old and they love their fish. I want them to continue to eat fish. They eat fish three or four times a week. We don’t feed our babies pablum. They eat fish. As soon as they start showing teeth the first thing they taste is herring eggs – roe on kelp.”

Interviews with Ms. Peterson can be arranged by contacting Andrew Frank.

Contact Information: Andrew Frank Media Relations 604-215-7875 or 604-367-2112

LEAKED MOTION: More Witnesses Needed To Ensure Integrity and Safety of Canada’s Environmental Assessment Process

House of Commons Standing Committee hasn’t heard from Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the National Energy Board, or affected First Nations. OTTAWA, CANADA (February 9, 2012) – As rumours circulate in Ottawa that the Conservative government is planning to gut the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), maybe as early as next week, an in-camera motion from the committee examining the Act, has been leaked to underline public safety and national interest concerns that affect all Canadians.

The leak comes as Prime Minister Harper is busy making deals with China about Canadian natural resources that will have significant, long-term impacts on the Canadian environment.

Scheduled for debate this afternoon by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, the motion calls for more witnesses to appear before the committee, including the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Energy Board:

Notice of Motion from Laurin Liu

That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee halt its consideration of its draft report and call additional witnesses to appear, in regard to the Statutory Review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, including, but not limited to, the National Energy Board, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, affected communities, labour, Inuit representatives, Metis and First Nations, and additional provincial and territorial governments.

Que, conformément à l’article 108(2) du Règlement, le Comité interrompe l’étude de son projet de rapport et qu’il invite de nouveaux témoins à comparaître, en lien avec son examen prévu par la loi de la Loi canadienne sur l’évaluation environnementale, incluant mais ne se limitant pas à : l’Office nationale de l’énergie, la Commission canadienne de sureté nucléaire, le Commissaire à l’environnement et au développement durable, des communautés affectés, syndicats, représentants des Inuits, Métis et Premières Nations ainsi que d’autres gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux.

In the Fall of 2011, the committee gave just two business days notice that the hearing process to review CEAA was being cancelled and all written submissions had to be received by November 28. Some civil society organizations that were scheduled to speak were prevented from doing so, and public safety, labour and First Nations were not given the chance to be heard.

In the rush to approve risky industrial projects like the proposed Enbridge oil supertankers and pipelines plan, and to implement freshly-inked agreements to substantially increase exports of uranium to China, the Conservative government is abandoning due process, and public health and safety are being compromised as a result.

Contact Information: Andrew Frank Media Relations 604-215-7875 or 604-367-2112

Harper and China: BC First Nations send letter to Chinese President on eve of visit

First Nations highlight Canada’s history of human rights abuses against aboriginal people, including proposed Enbridge pipelines and tankers.

NADLEH WHUT’EN, BRITISH COLUMBIA (February 6, 2012) – As Prime Minister Stephen Harper arrives in Beijing to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao, the Yinka Dene Alliance of First Nations in the interior of BC have written an open letter ( to President Hu to remind him of Canada’s troublesome record when it comes to aboriginal rights.

They have also issued an open letter to the Chinese people:

Of immediate concern in the letter is the government’s plan to approve the Enbridge pipeline and tankers project, despite the fact that First Nations have clearly refused consent for the pipeline to cross their traditional territories.

The letter, signed by five chiefs, tells the Chinese government of the legal uncertainty associated with the Enbridge pipeline and tankers project:

“We have learned that Sinopec, and a subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), are among the companies that have signed preliminary, non-binding agreements with Enbridge in relation to this pipeline. The Canadian government’s hearing process to review the Enbridge project cannot be relied upon to provide certainty to project investors, because it does not respect our rights to our land. Investors should not place confidence in Canada’s system to review oil pipeline projects until the underlying question of our land rights has been resolved.”

The Yinka Dene Alliance includes Nadleh Whut'en, Nak'azdli, Takla Lake, Saik'uz, and Wet'suwet'en First Nations in northern BC who have banned the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines from their territories, which cover 25% of the proposed pipeline route, as indicated in this map:

Contact Information: Chief Larry Nooski, Nadleh Whut’en First Nation, 250-613-7102 Chief Jackie Thomas, Saik’uz First Nation, 250-567-8048

Enbridge Gateway: More Than Two Thousand Citizens Say "No!" to Oil Tankers and Pipelines in Prince Rupert

Rally Drew More Than 2000 Citizens, Exceeding Organizer Expectations and Solidifying Opposition to Oil Tankers and Oil Pipelines on BC's Coast. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 6, 2012) - More than two thousand residents from across Northern BC, joined forces in Prince Rupert on Saturday (February 4) to march against the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project.

Crowd estimates were provided by the Prince Rupert Fire and Rescue Service, as well as organizer guest books at the concert venue itself.

These numbers contradict earlier media reports that suggested "several hundred" participants took part - a gross inaccuracy.

The event was about delivering one loud and clear message to Enbridge and the provincial and federal governments: Oil spills are inevitable, and for that reason, oil tankers and oil pipelines will not be allowed in BC's coastal waters.

"It's not going to happen," was the common refrain repeated by First Nations leaders and event speakers like radio firebrand, Rafe Mair.

Freelance photos and High Definition b-roll from Saturday's rally are available for use by media (use contact information below):

Photos: Sample video:

Contact Information: Andrew Frank Media Relations Office: 604-215-7875 Cell: 604-367-2112

Two Thousand Citizens Say "No!" to Oil Tankers and Pipelines in Prince Rupert

Approximately two thousand residents of Prince Rupert and surrounding areas joined hands with the Gitga'at Nation on Saturday morning to oppose the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project. The crowd estimate was provided by the Prince Rupert Fire and Rescue team.

The largest citizens' rally against Enbridge to date, Saturday's event drew citizens of all ages and walks of life, and featured musical performances by Bif Naked, Murray Porter and Shane Yellowbird, as well as powerful speeches by First Nations leaders and radio talk show host Rafe Mair.

Key message: This thing isn't going to happen.

The “EnemyGate” Scandal

Canadians deserve to know the truth about what was said between the Prime Minister’s Office and Tides Canada CEO, Ross McMillan.

Some of you may be familiar with my story as a whistleblower. For those who aren’t, here’s the Coles Notes version: My name is Andrew Frank, and last week I was fired from ForestEthics Canada, a charitable project of Tides Canada, an environmental charity.

I was fired because I gave Tides Canada CEO, Ross McMillan, the “heads up” that I was going to swear an affidavit, and go public with a story that the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) had threatened his charity and labelled ForestEthics, an “Enemy of the Government of Canada” and an “Enemy of the People of Canada.”

It’s a story that was confirmed for me by several senior sources at Tides, as well as through email correspondence, all of which is included in my sworn affidavit. It also turns out it was common knowledge within the environmental community, even among people who were not employed by Tides Canada or ForestEthics.

On Friday, January 20th, I told Mr. McMillan that under the media spotlight, he would have a chance to tell the truth and be on the right side of history. He thanked me for the “heads up” and then promptly made the decision to fire me over the weekend. My firing notice arrived on Monday the 23rd, just after I had sworn my affidavit, but before I had formally gone public with my story.

For those of you who might question if I was fired for anything other than telling the truth, here’s what ForestEthics Executive Director, Todd Paglia, told staff in an email, two hours after I was fired:

“The lawyer in me says stop this email right now but I will say this: this is a sad day and then some. Andrew was a great colleague and communications staffer and I will miss his expert hand and his fighting spirit. And I really wish he did not make this termination a foregone conclusion.”

Clearly there’s a question of wrongful dismissal here, and whistleblower protection in Canada is virtually non-existent, but I think the ramifications of this story are much bigger than my singular firing.

What this disturbing episode tells me, is that the elite brand of environmentalism practiced by big foundations like Tides Canada, can, when it matters the most, be more concerned about its own political interests, than in the interests of its partners on the ground, like the First Nations and grassroots community groups who oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project.

I risked my career and shared my story with my fellow Canadians for two reasons:

1) The Prime Minister’s Office was apparently working behind the scenes to undermine a registered intervenor (ForestEthics) in the National Energy Board’s Enbridge pipeline review, a process the government has singled out as its official mode of “consultation” with First Nations. The integrity of that consultation is now in question, and First Nations lawyers will have a field day in Supreme Court (if the project ever gets there) casting doubt as to whether the government consulted in good faith. This was information I had to share with First Nations.

2) Canadians deserve to know that the Prime Minister’s Office is apparently labeling its own citizens “enemies.” It is the language of bullying and it is language that is above the law and probably illegal. There was a look of fear and disbelief on my fellow staff members’ faces the day we were told our own government had labeled us enemies of the state. Upon hearing the news, our office administrator broke into tears. It’s a scene I won’t soon forget, and it's an injustice I plan to correct.

Since writing my open letter last Tuesday, it has been read online close to 70,000 times, and it has sparked an online citizens’ movement to hold this government to account. Margaret Atwood has called this scandal #EnemyGate on Twitter, and since I wrote my letter, I’ve received hundreds of emails and phone calls from supportive Canadians of all ages and walks of life across the country. It has been truly inspiring.

What has been most frustrating in all of this, is that Tides Canada CEO, Ross McMillan, has it firmly within his grasp to tell the truth. If my facts are wrong, I hope he will correct them, preferably in a sworn affidavit. Saying my story is “inaccurate” does nothing for the Canadian citizens or environmental allies who are trying to hold this government to account.

When I told Mr. McMillan that I was going public, he said that it would be like, “blowing up a bomb in your own house,” and that it would damage the environmental movement. The fact is that Mr. McMillan is the only man who can defuse this bomb. So far the Prime Minister’s spokesman is refusing to comment on whether Tides Canada and ForestEthics were targeted by the PMO. The ball is firmly in Mr. McMillan’s court, and we’re all ears.

In the mean time, the environmental movement would do well to take a hard look in the mirror. When telling the truth becomes revolutionary within a social movement, something is wrong. When environmental groups accept foundation money, what strings are attached? Can we always speak the truth, even on the gravest of matters and of the utmost importance to our fellow citizens and allies?

The absence of a full airing of the truth of this matter, will only feed the scaremongers who say shadowy U.S. environmental foundations are harming the interests of Canadians. Right now, they’d be right, but not for the reasons espoused by the “ethical oil” people. Canadians deserve to know if this language is being used at the highest levels of their government. If it is, it is a direct affront to the most basic tenets of citizenship and what it means to be Canadian. It is information we must have in order to protect our rights and our democracy.

I call on Prime Minister Harper and Ross McMillan to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Anything less is unacceptable, and a slap in the face of those who oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tanker and pipeline project.

Help Mr. McMillan tell the truth by sending a supportive letter to