“This is yet another legal and political nail in the coffin of this project,” Chief Jackie Thomas of the Saik’uz First Nation told a Vancouver press conference Thursday. “Our nations stand united as never before.”
The original press release on Marketwire. Derrick Penner - Postmedia News Dina O'Meara - Calgary Herald Mark Hume - The Globe and Mail The Canadian Press in Globe & Mail (larger article) The Canadian Press (quick hit, more to come) CBC.ca Reuters (and Reuters UK) Financial Post Toronto Sun (QMI Agency) The Vancouver Sun (Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal & GlobalTV.com portals) The Province & Edmonton Journal (quick hit, more to come) Victoria Times Colonist The Georgia Straight (longer piece w/video) The Georgia Straight (quick hit, more to come) CTV.ca The Prince George Citizen The Tyee Opinion250 (Prince George) Water World Platts MarketWatch - Bill Mann's Canada
Markets are nothing more than conversations:
Great excerpt from the Tyee:
"Others within Alberta’s oil sands industry have expressed recent doubts the project will ever be built. The vice-chairman of major producer Canadian Natural Resource Ltd reportedly said last week environmental and First Nations opposition mean oil sands crude is more likely to flow to the U.S. in coming years.
'For barrels to go off the West Coast to China, I think that is a very, very difficult file,' Murray Edwards said."