VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Chief Na’Moks (John Ridsdale) representing the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs, made the following statement in response to today’s announcement of a First Nation deal with Enbridge: "Enbridge is just not going to happen. We have said no and banned this pipeline from going through our territories - not only to protect ourselves and our lands, but also all the communities downriver from our lands. We have reviewed the project, and we have made a decision based in our traditional laws that we will not allow the devastation of an Enbridge oil spill in our lands to affect us and other communities further away who are all connected to us through the water.”
Chief Jackie Thomas of Saik’uz First Nation, speaking for the Yinka Dene Alliance, stated:
“Enbridge has always had a strategy of offering money to lots of First Nations. Lots of First Nations have refused this money. This is just the same old divide and conquer tactic we've known for centuries. It doesn't matter who they get a deal with. The wall of First Nations saying no is unbroken. They plan to come through our territories and we've already said no, and we'll use every legal means we have to stop them.”
She added:
“Their proposed pipeline is against our laws because we refuse to put our communities at the risk of oil spills. Water means more to us than money. We know we have overwhelming support from a large majority of British Columbians for stopping this dangerous Enbridge pipeline."
Contact Information:
Chief Na'Moks, Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs: 250-643-0771
Yinka Dene Alliance Geraldine Thomas-Flurer, Coordinator 250-570-1482