Gitga'at Nation tells National Energy Board it's not a question of if there will be an oil spill, but when.
HARTLEY BAY, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 2, 2012) - The Gitga'at Nation of Hartley Bay says an oil spill is inevitable if the Enbridge Northern Gateway oil tankers and pipeline project is ever approved, and would wipe out their food supply and way of life, which depends heavily on traditional foods from the ocean.
Hartley Bay is ground zero for the threat of an oil spill in BC's coastal waters. Located at the mouth of the Douglas Channel and the crossroads of the proposed North and South tanker routes, the community was the first on the scene when the Queen of the North ferry sank in 2006.
Diesel from the wreckage continues to pollute shellfish beds in the area, and many residents see it as a warning about tankers.
For their efforts saving passengers from the ferry, the Gitga'at received the Governor General's Commendation for Outstanding Service for "initiative, selflessness and an extraordinary commitment to the well-being of others."
40% of the Gitga'at diet is sourced directly from the ocean, and harvesting and sharing traditional food is at the core of who they are.
NEB hearings run Friday and Saturday, and interviews with Gitga'at Chiefs are available throughout the day.
Contact Information: Hartley Bay Band Council Ellen Torng, CEO 778-884-2559