Increase Your Media Profile: Public Relations Service-Learning Opportunity

PR_Student_Group14509 Public Relations students at Kwantlen Polytechnic University are looking to partner with local civic, community and business improvement organizations to produce media kits on a pro bono/service-learning basis that can help tell stories and increase media profile.

Media kits include:

  • Profile of the organization
  • Bio of a key individual (or individuals)
  • News release & template
  • Issue backgrounder
  • Original photograph for the organization

Depending on the nature of the organization, students may also develop additional fact sheets, Q&As, logos or other media materials in consultation with their clients.

Media kits must be completed on or before April 7, 2014 and require a 20 minute meeting and Q&A session with a representative from the organization before production begins. These meetings will ideally take place in the classroom on either Feb. 17 or Feb. 24 at the Kwantlen campus in Richmond (across from the Canada Line station at Lansdowne) between 10am and 12:50pm.

Clients should expect 1 – 2 follow-up emails from students to clarify information and seek additional creative input during media kit production.

Organizations or individuals who are interested in this unique service-learning opportunity should contact Public Relations instructor, Andrew Frank, at andrew.frank "at" or 604-367-2112.

We look forward to helping tell your organization’s story!